
Viparita Virabhadrasana

Come to virabhadrasana 2, set your foundations up here, connect with your body and your breath. Flip the front palm, press the floor away with your front foot, reach up toward the ceiling and lean back. Back hand slides down the back leg for balance.

Focus here on lifting your chest and spreading through your collar bone, opening through the chest/heart space rather than how far back you bend.

Gaze can either go up to the hand if this feels good for your neck or gaze goes down to land on the back foot.

Check in here that your knee has remained stacked over the front ankle, just like in virabhadrasana 2 you don’t want the front knee collapsing in, actively draw it out towards your little toes.

Viparita Virabhadrasana opens through the side body and targets the intercostal muscles which are in hard to reach places in between the ribs. So remember here to focus on your reach and length through the side body rather than the depth of your back bend.




Virabhadrasana 3