
Tadasana + Urdhva Hastasana

Come to a standing position, you can either have your feet hip distance apart or toes touching and heels slightly apart, whichever feels better for you. I invite you to have a little play with both to compare the two.

Ground down through the four corners of your feet, the mounds of your big and little toes and the inner and outer edges of your heels, engage a slight lift in the arch of your foot.

Keep a microbend in the knee and gently lift the kneecaps up. Engage and lift your thighs front and back and slightly turn the inside of your thighs in towards each other.

Engage your Mula Bandha, find a neutral position for your pelvis then engage your Uddiyana Bandha lightly. Lift your shoulders up and back and down to broaden through your collar bone, arms lengthen down either side of your body, palms face forward, fingers extend towards the earth.

Tuck the chin slightly and draw the crown of the head up towards the ceiling. Tadasana - Standing Mountain Pose.

You might like to close down the eyes and really connect with your body, draw awareness to how it feels to stand tall, connect with your balance and breath.

Variations here are to have a play with the width of the feet, which feels better for you, toes together heels slightly apart or feet hip distance apart.

You might like to place a block between the thighs to help switch them on and encourage the slight inward turn of the inside of your thighs.

From here you can move into Urdhva Hastasana - Tall Mountain pose, keep your foundations strong, sweep the arms up overhead and inhale. Draw the shoulders down your back away from your ears. Can you simultaneously reach your arms up towards the ceiling as you ground down and connect to your foundations with your lower body.

Both Tadasana and Urdhva Hastasana whilst appear to be easy poses they form the foundation for all standing poses.




Adho Mukha Svanasana