

Come to Tadasana, inhale, lengthen through the spine, crown goes long and as you exhale keep your spine long, hinge from the hips and fold forward. Bend through your knees as much as you need in order to connect your chest and thighs to each other. Allow your head to hand heavy and really lengthen through the spine. Arms hang heavy and hands reach towards the floor, if you can place them down either side of your feet. Breathe here, keep your spine long and if it's available to you start to straighten your legs, keep a microbend in the knee and connect with your breath. Can you keep length in your spine?

With each inhalation can you lift your torso just slightly lengthen through the spine and with each exhalation find a little more depth.

A variation here is to take a bind, opposite hands grab opposite elbows, you might like to sway side to side, and feel into your forward fold.

Allow any tension in your back to release here, find length in both the spine and the hamstrings. With practice you’ll start to notice your hamstrings lengthen and your ability to slowly reduce the bend in your knees.


Ardha Uttanasana


Tadasana + Urdhva Hastasana