
Virabhadrasana 3

Come to Virabhadrasana 1, engage your Mula and Uddiyana bandhas and actively square your hips off to the front of your mat. As you inhale, reach the arms up and shift your weight into the front leg, as you exhale use the glutes to lift the back leg up, dorsiflex the back foot and actively push it out towards the back of your mat.

Check in here that your hips have remained parallel to the ground and actively reach your arms out towards the front of your mat.

Have a play between switching the back leg on and off, notice how an active back leg improves stability and balance.

Variations here are to change the arms, you might like to bring them to a prayer position at Anjali Mudra, hearts centre, or bring them out to your sides into an airplane pose.

Really connect with your breath, balance and activation here, utilise the strength built through the other warrior poses.


Viparita Virabhadrasana


Virabhadrasana 2