
Ardha Uttanasana

Make your way into Uttanasana - Standing forward fold, on your next inhalation keep a microbend in your knees, switch the legs on, ground down in to the mat with your fingertips and lift the torso up away from the thighs hinging from the hips. Keep a nice flat back, length in the spine, draw your shoulder blades down and out on your back. The aim is to keep your back flat and your spine long to create length.

As you exhale, fold forward.

Variations here, have a block handy and as you lift your torso up have your hands on the block to give you more lift. You may also like to bring your hands to your shins or thighs depending on how tight your hamstrings may be.

No matter which variation you choose, remember to keep the spine long, the back flat and the crown of the head reaching towards the front of the room.



