

Set up your Tadasana, really ground down and connect with your body and your balance. On your next inhalation take the arms up overhead so that your biceps are just in front of your ears, palms turned towards each other. Broaden through your collar bone and pull your arm bones down into their shoulder sockets.

As you exhale, engage your Mula bandha and Uddiyana Bandha, then start to bend through the knees as if you’re about to sit back in a chair. Sit back as low as you can with your thighs as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Your torso will naturally lean slightly forward as you do so. Keep the back straight and move towards a right angle between your torso and thighs.

Breath here, Utkatasana is a seemingly straight forward pose but it is a fierce strengthening pose that requires strength and stamina in the body and focus of the breath and mind.

To come out of the pose, ground down through your feet and use the strength of your legs to lift back to standing.

For Variations here you might like to have a play with the positioning of your feet, how does it feel if you draw your big toes together, heels slightly apart and knees connected? You might like to place a block between the thighs to help switch them on and build strength. You might like to also have a play with the slant of your feet, place a block under your heels and feel in to how this alters the pose for you.


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana


Ardha Uttanasana