
Chaturanga Dandasana Flow

Chaturanga Dandasana - Low plank is almost always taught as a part of a sequence of poses. Generally you will be guided to go from Kumbhakasana, high plank to Chaturanga Dandasana, low plank into either Bhujangasana Cobra or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Upward facing dog.

For the specific guidance around Bhujangasana or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana please refer to the videos which specifically guide you through those two poses.

We will start with the gentle option, come to a table top position, hands shoulder width apart, knees stacked below the hips hip distance apart. Ground down through your hands, arms switch on and upper arms turn in towards each other slightly. Gently slide the knees back along your mat until your body is in a straight line, Mula and Uddiyana Bandhas switch on as you’re doing so.This is Kumbhakasana.

From here as you exhale rock forward to your shoulders come past your wrists, tuck the elbows in towards your sides so that as you slowly lower they brush your sides. Slowly lower all the way down to the mat, adjust the hands Bhujangasana, inhale, Push back to a tabletop position, exhale.

The gentle option is really great for building that foundational strength, it is taught as a package of high to low plank on your knees with cobra to build the strength that is required to hold proper alignment in the stronger expression of Chaturanga Dandasana.

The stronger option here is knees off the mat. Come to a table top position, hands shoulder width apart. Ground down through your hands, arms switch on and upper arms turn in towards each other slightly. Switch on your Mula and Uddiyana Bandhas and slide the legs long one at a time. Toes are tucked under, shoulders remain stacked above your wrists, body is in a straight line. This is the full expression of Kumbhakasana.

From here as you exhale rock forward on to your tippy toes, shoulders come past your wrists, tuck the elbows in towards your sides so that as you slowly lower they brush past your rib cage. Slowly lower down until your elbows are at a right angle. Hover here in Chaturanga Dandasana, low plank.

From here push through the arms, roll over your toes so the tops of your feet ground down into the mat into Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, upwards facing dog, inhale, Ardha Mukha Svanasana, exhale, downward facing dog.

Have a play here and spend some time really familiarising yourself with the alignment. It might be helpful if its available to you to have a practice in front of the mirror so that you’re able to check your own alignment and ensure that you’re not flopping around. You don’t want to be a floppy noodle during this flow.


Virabhadrasana 1


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana