
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Come to a prone position on your mat just like with Bhujangasana. Place your hands on the mat directly below your shoulders and then shift them down to align with your floating ribs, fingers splay forward.

Activate the tops of your feet as they press firmly into your mat.

As you exhale engage your Mula and Uddiyana bandhas, then as you inhale drive down through your hands and the tops of your feet, straighten through your arms, open through your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down your back, legs are switched on, knees float just above the mat.

Look straight ahead with your chin slightly tucked to lengthen through the neck.

To come out either lower yourself back down to the mat or without sagging and placing pressure on your lower back, push down in to the ground with your hands, float your hips up to a plank position, roll over the toes and push through to Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Variation here is if you have any issues with your wrists you can always come up on to your fists, thumbs out and facing towards the front of the mat.

If you have any lower back issues take caution when engaging in back bends, ensure your pelvic floor and core are switched on so you don’t collapse through the back. Bhujangasana is always a great option to build strength and stability through the lower back without putting any load on it.


Chaturanga Dandasana Flow

